For people in the stock markets, every wish and prayer is invariably connected with the stock market. Earlier, the prayer meant wishing for profits on Dalal Street but today, we have to bring the entire globe into our prayers. Thus our wish list now encompasses peace and prosperity from Dalal Street to Shanghai, Washington and Europe.!!!!
Here is what we pray for and hope Godess Durga answers most of them…
· Oh Goddess! Please keep away the bears from Dalal Street. Please herd them off elsewhere but not to Dow Jones or Hang Seng or Europe.
· Goddess, please ensure that the bull remains happy and is never left wanting for anything. If the bull is happy, You can be assured that we mere mortals will be happy.
· Goddess, we pray you help resolve the problems in Greece. Now that You are prayed all around the world, thanks to the millions of NRIs spread across the globe, surely resolving the Greece crisis should not possess any trouble.
· Goddess, please bless the US President Obama too. He is currently falling fast on the popularity polls and if this continues, this could be the last we hear and see Obama. Please provide jobs for the scores of Americans and kindly push down the unemployment figure from 9% where it seems to be stuck. As You have taught us, our happiness lies in that of the others – if the Americans become happy, the whole world will automatically become happy.
· Back home, we beg You to give some sense to the UPA govt and push them into action. We pray You give them sense to stop mouthing meaningless data, which casts a doubt on all statistical data which now gets churned from the Govt machinery. Please, get them out of this mess and we are sure, each MP will make uou an offering of at least "Rs.32" each. Huh..
· Oh Goddess, we pray You grant more strength to our RBI Governor, Subburao. He has consistently done his duty of hiking rates but inflation refuses to come down. You have taught us that we should keep doing our duties without any expectations; so kindly bless him with more strength to tackle the problem of rising inflation and falling growth rate.
· Oh Goddess, we have so many other problems! Please rid the country of corruption; please ensure uninterrupted power supply for the entire country; please provide us with abundant water and food; please rid the roads of all potholes; please bless us with an able leader; please hike our agriculture production; please give builders sense to build affordable homes. Phew..!!! Yes, these are seemingly impossible tasks but for a Goddess with Your strength, surely these problems are easy to handle.
Food for thought:
We know, Your pandals and pooja’s have become more about showing off than about spiritualism. We humans seem to have got carried away with commercialization of everything and have forgotten you in the midst of all this. Please forgive us and we hope you grant us the wisdom to stop this endless pursuit of material things.
ha ha ha...super man !!!!! wanting more :) - sarayu