Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Invest like how a girl does.!

Warren Buffet is undoubtedly the best man when it comes to making Investments. It is popularly said that his hands have a Midas touch and whichever investments he makes; it earns him a healthy profit. As per Forbes, Warren Buffet’s wealth has been estimated at a whopping 50 billion dollars (as of March 2011) and all of his wealth has been made through Investments.

But how does Warren Buffet do so? What is his Investment style that makes him unique and which no-one has been able to replicate since decades? A recent study conducted by LouAnn Lofton who studied the habits of the world’s most renowned investor has revealed that Warren Buffet’s investing style can be correlated to that of a woman. 'Yes, you read it right, Warren Buffet has a Feminine Investing Style.'

The Researcher of this study has also authored a book on this study by the name – ‘Warren Buffet Invests like a Girl’. By the way, some of the most interesting recent studies have just begun to uncover the role of testosterone in investing, risk taking and trading. You're not shocked to hear it has one, are you?

The key here is that women's trading hurt their performance less than men's, thanks to men's greater Overconfidence. The difference, then, is more related to temperament than it is to skill. You can be the smartest securities analyst around, but not having the correct mindset can absolutely sink you as an investor. All the know-how in the world can't correct for bad habits. Temperament matters, plain and simple.

How does the issue of overconfidence play into investing behavior and results? Well, because of their overconfidence, it was assumed correctly, as it turned out that men would trade more than women do. And what does more frequent trading do to your investment results? It drags them down, running up transaction costs and acting like the proverbial albatross on what might otherwise be smart investment decisions.

The Eight traits female investors share with Warren Buffett: 

1. Trade less than men do.

2. Exhibit less overconfidence: men think they know more than they do, while women are more likely to know what they don't know.

3. Shun risk more than male investors do.

4. Be less optimistic, and therefore more realistic, than their male counterparts.

5. Put in more time and effort researching possible investments, considering every angle and detail, as well as considering alternate points of view.

6. Be more immune to peer pressure and tend to make decisions the same way regardless of who's watching.

7. They learn from their mistakes, men don’t.

8. Have less testosterone than men do, making them less willing to take extreme risks, which, in turn, could lead to less extreme market cycles.

Food for thought:- Investing isn't a man's world anymore—and that's a good thing for individual portfolios, Dalal Street, and the world's financial system. "After all, the stock market is filled with individuals who know the price of everything, but the value of nothing."


  1. You've very vividly explained about the "Investing like a girl"
    If you speak about Feminine Investing Style and investing like how a woman does... i have a question to ask you... This is a world where women are into every field of work which men are into. You see them dominating in every sphere. But still when it comes to stock market... Why are men dominating it? I seldom hear of any woman who hits up the chart as a gr8 portfolio manager!... or as someone who booked super profits by trading... If women are supposed to have a gr8 investing style, why are'nt they making those "healthy Profits" like their male counterparts.

    Moreover, Tell me... how many women have die-hard interest in stock trading? Only a handful. Whereas I see men only men more interested in Stock trading...

    I feel that women are learning the intricacies and expertise of stock trading from their male counterparts. So, I am still wondering whether your view of Feminine Trading style is right and which is to be followed???

    1. At first place thanks for the Feedback Varsha.

      Would break up ur question in 2 parts, nope three infact.

      First Qn - Men dominate and women don't?
      My view is tat its true men do dominate the market. Probably bein in Indian culture its the Women who saves and the men who invests it. So natural.

      Second Qn - Women as Portfolio Manager - This is still a puzzle to me as to why women are not appointed as MF Manager in India. Me too have not heard a much abt it. Women do make good investment per say individually, but MF is all together a different ball game.

      Third Qn - Interest in stock trading - Thats my point out here in this article that Women focus on Investment and not on day in day out trading. Havin said this the focus is on the Characteristics women possesses and which men don't vis a vis Stock market.

      P.S - Probably its time u lead by example and become a MF Managerda and show it out tat Yes its possible to head it out. Tat will be the day i will write another article "INVEST LIKE HOW VARSHA DOES"..!!!

    2. Thanks for your reply!!!

      According to what goes here... Women know investing styles but don't have the zeal...the interest...the passion to work as a Portfolio Manager...

      Lets see who makes a break through and proves herself to be a gr8 Portfolio Manager in the times to come!!

    3. By the way!!! who's that girl who is on the cover page of your Blog?? Is she the one you are planning to hire when you start your MF company!!! :-P :-;

  2. Yup. Probably, the chance to strike it out as a deal is to be done. They will get their cup of tea soon and that will be in a very big way. Passion has always been there but chances or faith tat they will outperform is missin.

    Nahhh.. just got the photo from net. :) i dont know who she is also..!

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